Drop the Veil and See with Clarity

Sunday, September 8, 2013

My Takeaway

No words can convey a message more profoundly than the picture below.  This is a reminder of our reckless pursuits that wreck our conscience for the rest of our life.

Recently, I used this metaphor to express my distaste of a clinical email received from an ex-co-worker.  I am learning again!  How could I not expect such a thing to happen (my common exclamation)? Why am I so constantly astonished by the acts of idiots?  In reality, it is not their fault when they act this way. But my ignorance to expect less of their contemptuous behavior.  Dealing with people who are perpetually tuned to survival mode level, needs self-reflection and awareness. Pause is necessary in times of adversity.  It rejuvenates me to my own center.  I try to convert my negative energy into creativity when I have to tackle the unsavory situation.  It is a common story of corporate bitterness and reclaiming their last word when a key employee leaves abruptly.  I am thankful for this experience which allowed me respond thus:

 "You are taking away only some money that rightfully belongs to me. You are welcome to it if it pleases you and if it helps to push you one notch up the ladder.  You know it is dirty money and will haunt you for the rest of you life.  We answer our deeds to the higher authority.  It is a fact that I exceeded by 5 days (not 6) of my vacation days last year. But it is a truth that you promised to reinstate and was already approved.  And yet, you allowed your venomous pretense to emerge with the tune from the snake charmer's flute.

To you, I want to say, protect your conscience consciously.  You chose to be the photographer fixated on your lens.  The person I know would have picked up my phone calls, and also called me and explained her predicament to me.  Not the pseudo person in avoidance that I have experienced since my departure from the company, when you did not respond to my message.  Instead I received an officious note.  I considered you a friend and you let me down.  I am overjoyed that I am done with you. I do not have to live my working life in an amputated-spirit environment of a somnambulist.  I have a meaningful and bountiful future ahead. I wish you all the best and that you get all that you deserve in this life and after.

I can tell you with authority that I am at peace with myself.  I walk away untethered and fearless without needing to seek forgiveness from the highest realm.  You have your recourse of going to your church(es) and cleansing your sins multiple times in a week.  You can espouse your religious ideals, by reaching out to help people in need by doing charitable acts.  However religion starts inside and manifests into humanity from the inner. True religion awakens us."

I have learned again that no one can take away my state of joy.  Not getting what is rightfully mine does not make me a loser.  Harboring vindictiveness against an unaware person is hoping that a blind person can use the lamp to see. 

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