Drop the Veil and See with Clarity

Monday, September 19, 2011


The teenager was trying to balance his head and limbs and struggling to make sure that his school bag did not fall off his shoulder.  He walked his zigzag course toward the bus-stop.  

At that moment, I felt conscience-stricken.  My physical challenges are lesser or none as compared to this young boy.  I decide when I want to walk, run or swim.  I decide how and when I want to build up my physical fitness.  I have all the time in the world to do it. There is no barrier other than my own laziness.

I started to make a mental list of what I have.  Things that I have not given them a second look, or rather felt that they were just there, just there for my disposal. My home, it is just there.  My job, it is just there.  My neighborhood conveniences, they are just there. 

It scares me to the very core to feel the depth of my ingratitude.  I fall short of appreciation.  Absolutely true!  I took some moments to truly appreciate now, where I am, what I do, what I have, what my capabilities are...and the feelings are exhilarating.  I decided to make it a constant practice to feel me instead of to fill me. Also to stop the "so what" attitude which is a self-destrucive tool that cripples my ability to see and treasure life, the way it is.
If the teenage boy can walk tirelessly everyday, why should I be grieving when I have to drive a straight course with many stops at the traffic lights? All the more, I would have missed life´s many great lessons which happen at unusual places!

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