Drop the Veil and See with Clarity

Saturday, November 12, 2011


As I was pushing my shopping trolley walking across the alley towards the aisle that caught my interest, she uttered "I would suggest you get out of my way." I said " You too"!   I was expecting a hit on my back but it must have been so soft that I felt an overwhelming lightness and comfort.

I thought I was rude to react. 
I thought I participated in her idiocy.
I thought I was pulling myself down to her worldly level.
I thought naught.
I stood up for me.
I did not fall.

There have been countless times I was torn between fighting against the unpleasant situation and allowing the subject to continue to be. 

Now, I refuse to let others undermine me and make me to become a resentful and vindictive persona. This is so because I am responsible for my own actions and right actions will come when I am in-tune with who I am.   I am not allowing stupidity to kill my soul. 

In the split of a second, there was no time to think of how to respond to unwarranted nastiness from a stranger, but simply "You too" was subtle enough to blow the encounter away from my mind and move forward.

My life is too beautiful to be tainted by uneventful experiences and let them occupy my space and corrupt my inner peace of preciousness. 

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