After a long lapse in avoiding political news, the official memorial held to honor and acknowledge the COVID deaths of over 400,000 Americans shot straight into my heart. I know, the empathetic arrow finally hit me albeit late. The event was the final piece of the jigsaw to close the chapter of the past four years of mockery and erosion to humanity.
Today, 1-20-21 is a notable palindrome day following the event yesterday. The pronouncement today by the new team transmits respect, inclusiveness, togetherness, graciousness, strength, truth, commitment, competence, purpose, and so much more. The bedrock of decency shrouded by dampening lies yields all mighty today.
I am far away from the celebrative Capitol but I feel so exhilarated and upbeat. Today could not have been a better date to officiate the restoration of the past four years of decay. I would not have imagined in just a day the penetrative darkness is eclipsed by this glowing palindrome: "Live on time, emit no evil."