Drop the Veil and See with Clarity

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Being Happy

I was a seeker of happiness because I was miserable. Nothing made me happy. All I did was to go through the daily motion of responsibilities and hoping that something would happen to make me happy. When it did happen, it lasted for a while. I kept looking out from different windows waiting for the star of happiness to shine upon me.

Needless to say, I did not find it because it does not exist as a lost and found item! The treasure of happiness has always been inside me. I was too wrapped up in my unhappiness burrito blanket to be able to see my own bad habit was to be unhappy.  

As I start changing, reflecting and living a more meaningful life, I am beginning to relate with these words "Happiness stems from the heart. It is not manifested from the external". I decided to be happy and not to follow any theory or textbooks to tell me what happiness is. It requires alertness to remain in a happy state for it is easy to fall. Furthermore, I am not to delegate my happiness to someone else. It is my responsibility to live my life in a way that will bring me happiness. So what is it?

Loving and respecting the self has opened my eyes to appreciate the wonders of life and to live deeply. It is very true that if I enjoy what I am doing, the act becomes a joy. As long as I am happy in whatever I am doing, the pursuit becomes meaningful.

" The best feeling in the world is realizing that you're perfectly happy without the thing you thought you needed"

Happiness is to know when to let go when the heart is wrenched and the hands are full. It is to enjoy the subtle solitude and fill it with gold mist. Happiness is the freedom to do what I want to do and be happy with it. It is to persist and persevere relentlessly against the odds.. To be happy is simply to be happy, be loving, be grateful, live fully and celebrate constantly.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Dawn

I am learning to live everyday anew and cast away the past of yesterdays. They serve no purpose to me other than adding an extra voice and baggage to my everyday living.  Past has to be dropped, otherwise the newness of the presence cannot be consummated into my being.

The ailment of our mind is to let the past convey dead messages that prevents us from moving forward. The mind is the master of registry that convene all our past and store them in a memory container. It is the reinforcement center to clarify doubts and justify our actions.

The past insulates our being from emerging. And yet, we love to apply past experiences to resolve our confronted issues everyday. Nothing is new. Not the people whom we know. Not the situations that we face. Not the trees and flowers that we pass by everyday. Not the chirping of the birds we hear in the morning. We regard them as if they have never changed in form and action. In reality, changes occur every moment. Moments are unique because they never recur.

The past does not uplift and add value to our life. To live in the past is to live in the mind. Our narrow mind is our little world. We often forget about the bigger world and constrain our capabilities to what we think we can do, and still not doing it. We magnify our problems based on our little world and forget about the magnitude of sufferings in the bigger world. I am one of them.

My new beginning entails living in awe and enrichment. I want to feel more and think less. First, I need to demolish built-in ideas about myself, others and situations. There is no need for ready made answer for everything. That is being defensive and robotic. Second, I need to "just be". Let myself be and let others be! Third, I want to relax in the fragrance of the moment. Grasp the moment and live to the fullest!