Drop the Veil and See with Clarity

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Live, Laugh, Love

Respect is the highest form of honor endowed on us. I have observed and learned, respect is paramount in life. My own interpretation of respect begins with self-respect. It is the ability to maintain a graceful attitude towards myself and asserting calmness. Self-respect is to live with myself every moment in a loving state. Extending kindness to my being and accepting my own idiosyncrasies. In short, self-respect is to nurture my inner self in every way that will create equilibrium in my thoughts and actions.

Self-respect is to drop anger and stop hurting myself, and in the event, inflicting pain on others. It is valuing my own true worth and happiness. It means to eat, live, love and laugh wholeheartedly. It means to relate with constant respectfulness without segregating right and wrong. Relating without being respectful is demeaning and a depletion of life's energy. After all relating is an integral part of life and through it, I learn and experience the importance of respecting others. At times, the mouth wants to spit out the nastiness, but is held back because of respect. Respecting others is to take into considerations that their self-worth is as important as my own. It is futile to utter a disrespectful comment, what do I gain other than to satisfy the ego? The ego aspect is so senseless, so fake, so unreal. It is not my true self. It is the sheer emptiness of inner discontent that is exerted unconsciously. The reliance of the ego to validate my well being is a delusional phenomenon.

Responsibility for all my actions is necessary so that I do not blame others for my plight! It is a form of respect of my actions and take responsibility of them. It means to stop finding justifications for any uneventful occurrences and making myself a victim. Taking responsibility of my own action is the first step towards emancipation. The target is myself. There is no need to shoot the arrow somewhere else. When I have the courage to make myself responsible for my own actions, I am free to find my own solution and confront the consequences.

Life is experiential and has to be lived to the fullest and be the best in all endeavors! The antidote to Live, Laugh and Love is self-respect. I am my own happiness and misery, and no one else is responsible for them. Only I am.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Et Voilà

When I examined the choices I made, that led me to be where I am today, I wondered how and why I made those decisions. I did not have an answer for a few of my major life's decisions but only knew then that my unspoken beloved heart must be freed. Challenging the mind is futile because the mind always has an answer to every doubt which is basically a hypothesis. It will remain untrue due to its speculative nature. Without experimentation, it is only a mental foreplay. How unsavory is that?

The stakes of my major decisions were high. It entailed losing security, inflicting pain and agony, dismantling bond permanently, inducing logistical inconveniences, confronting discomfort zone, just to name a few. From these experiences, I realize the cruciality of listening to my inner voice. It is a sacred vacuum that deserves undivided attention. It serves as a balanced score card. It alerts me if I am suffering immensely due to the state of non-awareness. It is pure. It wants the best for me. It wants me to live life as it should be lived. Sufferings are inevitable. I am the only one who has the authority to either cling on to it or let it go. I can allow either energy to reside within me. Thus far, I realize that I am unafraid of uncertainty. I realize that life is not a punctuation. At any moment, things can change. In any form of adversity, it is only a temporary question mark. As long as I continue to trust and enjoy my current state of being,  the future will unfold in front of me.

Having realized that, I also asked myself frequently why all my decisions were so drastic? What was the impetus that pushed me to the extreme? My latest decision to quit my job was a case that I was suffering morning, noon and night. So were/are the rest in the same company. For me, it peaked to a point that enough was enough. Why I could not continue to suffer? Why I could not close one eye and shut the other? Why I could not resume to be a working zombie for the sake of financial security? Why would I let go of my untouchable status within the organization? Isn't suffering better than nothing? At least I would have a talking point with colleagues and friends.

There is a limit to everything including patience and suffering. I have compromised myself too many times. Each time, people learned that I could be exploited because I compromised. I was too nice! There is no need to help exploiters even though they are kind. This vicious cycle has no limits. To live in a compromised state is to be disrespectful to myself. Now I realize that my self-respect championed all my decisions. This is because I refuse to exist even for a single moment in compromise. Only I can put a stop to it. Only I can discontinue my suffering by doing something. Life is not meant to be a suffering. I should rejoice with life. Et voilà, what a discovery!