We all have our aspirations, our ideals, our desires. We want to become someone special, someone unique, someone extraordinary, someone flawless. In the midst of becoming someone, we have forgotten about our "self". This reminded me of a
tale about a cat and through this I learned a deep lesson.
A samurai, came home tired after the whole day’s fight in the battle field. Just as he was about to fall into a slumber, he was disturbed by a ferocious rat in his room. He drew his sword at the rat, trying so very hard to hit the rat but to no avail. He reached the point of fear, and perspired profusely. Then, he was reminded by his wife of his foolishness to use the sword, instead of using their warrior´s cat.
They became hopeful and confident to get rid of the rat, but to their dismay, their warrior´s cat who was very trained and skilfull in catching rats, was also frightened by the rat and ran far away. They and the warrior started to believe that this was no ordinary rat.
Then the king’s cat was called. She was a master cat, very well-known all over the country; of course, she was the king’s cat - well trained and very capable. The king’s cat came and she too was defeated by the rat. She went in, tried hard, used all her knowledge, but the rat was just too much.
Then the king’s cat suggested a cat she knew who was not famous at all. ”You have tried with famous cats, now you try with an ordinary one... just ordinary, plain ordinary.” The warrior said, ”But what can a plain, ordinary cat do?”
The king’s cat said, ”You just try. I know this cat. She is so ordinary, she does not know a thing. The whole day she sleeps. But there is one thing about her:this cats knows that she is very mysterious. The mysterious thing is that she knows nothing about rats, rat-catching, the art, the technique, the methodology, the philosophy – she knows nothing; she has never been to any school or college or university. She is a plain, ordinary cat, but rats are so afraid of her!
The cat was brought, and the samurai was not very hopeful because she was really very ordinary, just like any vagabond cat. She came in, and without any effort she simply went in, caught hold of the rat and brought it out. She was asked, ”What is your art?” And she said, ”I don’t know any art. I am a cat! Is not that enough?”
Wow! This is my realization. I am ordinary and being ordinary is enough! I am me and that is all I need to be. Follow your nature . Do not be someone you are not. A rose does not want to be tulip, neither does a bird want to be a lion. I have come a long way to discover myself. My nature is kind, honest, caring, sharing and loving. I accept my nature and I let it dictate my course in life. Life is to live and to go with the flow. To live is to accept the whole, i.e. the sun and the rain.
Water does not fight to flow upwards. Oceans do not reject rivers. A dog cannot be muted to bark. You are universal - do not belong to just one place, yet you have your inbuilt nature which was nurtured by your mom. Just as the lotus blossoms in dirty swamp water- it does not try to escape. It connects with mother nature to grow and bloom. I am connected with my mystic nature of an ordinary being. I am just me.