I know I have this immense capacity to write beautifully but this knowing cripples me into wordless state just like a picture can depict a thousand words.
This is so because I need to find the right chemistry of words. I need to relate an experience using the optimal choice of words to kick off each blog. I am not a perfectionist in any sense but now I feel I am a perfectionist in words.
My heart was skipping when I saw flashing lights whirling incessantly on my rear view mirror. Just because he was in uniform. I was not fearful of him but I was fearful of his uniform of authority.
I sobbed and pleaded with all my might for mercy but the tears were just not enough to dissolve the ink on his well documented book of duty. I am now an offender of record.

Misery crept in and lingered in and out the whole day while I juggled rather well between work situation and people. My realization seeped in slowly to face the offence and the offender. It was a painful experience and a consequence of a non-awareness state of being.
The irony was, I was pondering a lot about "what is" during my morning journey and I finally got the message crisply but not in this unglamarous way. But it is not all about what I want it to be. What I want it to be is not in tune with what is. What I want is a disparity between delusion and the true reality.
I let the dwelling subside and let my folly erupt into laughter within me.