夫子 pronounced as "fuzhi" was an ancient address for teachers, scholars. The first part 夫 (fu) in chinese also means husband. My question is: Is the husband a master or the master a husband? Are they two of a kind or are they one and the same? Which one gives birth to the other?
My observation is that ignorance separates them into two and awareness conjoins them as one. An ignorant husband views himself as the master and a hierarchal relationship is formed. A husband of full awareness is a master and merged himself as a husband and relating takes place on equilateral terms. The space between ignorance and awareness is the societal bubble that is waiting to burst so that reality can surface. But it is tough and hard to break the societal norm for it has conveniently entwined itself into us that we have lost our being. Our being enables us to just be. Our non-being wants us to just do. Therefore we are basically do-being.
I have found deep meaning and personal experiences between relating and relationship. Relating is a seed that flowers and grows with nourishment of love and respect. Relationship is a brand that is built upon demands and expections that will consequently lead to either the law of diminishing returns or returns of investment. But like any investment, it is subject to conditions and thus not constant. Relationship has a period but in relating you will not catch a dot to form matter. I have found my master and we relate as husband and wife. He is my master and my husband. That sounds too good to be true. It is TRUE and the TRUTH.
You may think that I am deluding myself but it is our rational mind that takes over the function of our eyes to see and the knocking of our heart to feel. I establish my first truth on this basis and I am constantly being reminded to drop my veil and to see the reality! And to be the true being I am.